The May meeting was a hybrid in-person/Zoom meeting with 12 members in-person and 4 on Zoom.
The meeting started off with Tolling the Boats lost in March, followed by birthday wishes for our members, the officer reports, and then introductions.
Old Business
The base float needs maintenance and upkeep including a new battery, work on the masts, and touching up the paint job. A motion was made and passed to look into obtaining of a bubble machine to add to the float.
The Seattle Base float during parade season
New Business
Larry A reported back from The USSVI Western Region Roundup, which was held in Reno NV. He gave an update on upcoming changes to the USSVI Charitable Foundation. This will be a consolidation of the former individual fund groups including; General Fund, Scholarship Fund, Brotherhood Fund, Museum Boat Fund, Monument Fund, Kap(s) 4 Kids Fund, Library Fund, and Building Fund. It was felt that it would be better to have our member make a few larger donations, instead of spreading the donations out over many funds. The foundation will send out a letter of thanks to each of the donors, which can be used for IRS tax contributions purposes.
The Bremerton Armed Forces Day parade was on Saturday May 21, 2022 and all members were invited and the Silent Service Motorcycle Group was planning to attend.
The 2022 National Convention website is up and ready to take convention and hotel reservations. It also has additional information about area and convention events. Note that the links from the USSVI national website are not working right now. You can go directly to the convention website at:
Ric Hedman advised that his book “A good and Favorable Wind” should be coming out some time in June.
There are still openings in our organization for a Secretary and a Chaplin.
Binnacle List
Please keep the following brothers in your thoughts and prayers:
Jerry G: Suffered a stroke a a few months ago. He is currently home and undergoing therapy.
Dave S: Currently in a second round of chemotherapy treatment.