Last year we posted the poem "
The Night Before Christmas - Submarine Style." This year the submarine force has done one better by recording it it in their Holiday Message. I hope you enjoy it. (if the embedded file doesn't work, you can find the video on YouTube at:
Holiday Message from Seattle Base Commander Keith Watson
Judy and I hope that you and yours have a wonderful Holiday and look forward to seeing you next year!
Keith & Judy
P.S. The next base meeting is January 18th, 2012.
Holiday Message for USSVI National Commander Michael Bircumshaw
As 2011 winds down and 2012 becomes the new date we will tend to forget to put on our checks until sometime in February, I want to take this moment to wish you and your families the very best of holidays and a very merry Christmas along with the hope for a better new year. ( I also wish for all of your 2012 Resolutions to endure).
This is one more of those times that family and friends become our focus as we look (or trust that the shopper in our family will) for what they can find to fill those stockings and to wrap for placement under the colorful tree standing in the front room. In view of the belt tightening times that we live in I am hoping that whatever does not get delivered by Santa, and those pesky reindeer, can be found in everyone’s hearts and minds to make it a positive and caring season.
I try to make every day one of “Thanksgiving” and “Christmas”, always wanting to give more than I receive to those I love and care for, which includes all of my family and friends. My shipmates all fall in there somewhere as I have brothers who sailed with me or have served with me in Sub Vets that are truly “family” and a multitude of friends, most of whom wear dolphins.
A special thanks to those of you who have contributed your thoughts, ideas and efforts to help make Sub Vets as good as it can be this past year.
Please drive safe, take care, take your meds, and temper the salt and sugar in your lives. I would like to see you, both healthy and happy, in Norfolk or where ever our paths may meet.