We also had a short recap of the Veterans Day parade and events (remember you can see photos from the parade on the blog).
Old and New Business:
John Mansfield, Jim Harper, Karl Krompholtz, Doug Abramson, Bob Morris, Bob Opple, and John Roberts at Cebela's on Veterans Day |
Cabela's Tualip store is also holding a special dedication ceremony for the 'Wreaths Across America' program at 11:00 AM, Saturday, December 7.
Holiday Luncheon - The Seattle Base USSVI and Lockwood Chapter, Submarine Veterans of WWII Joint Holiday Luncheon is set for Saturday, December 14 at Anthony's HomePort Kirkland restaurant. The registration form is in included in the current newsletter or you can download a single-page copy of the registration form here.
Due to the success of the Base fund-raising events this year, we will provide a $10 refund on your Holiday Luncheon costs. If you have questions, be sure to talk with Jim Harper (his contact information is on the registration form).
We will also be doing some Holland Club presentations at the luncheon. It will be a fun time and we hope to see you there.
Bylaw Changes - The list of changes and updates to the Seattle Base Bylaws were presented at the meeting (you can read them here). Most of the changes are to put us into alignment with the National Bylaws, but we are also looking to change Base Officer elections to even years and extend the terms to 2 years (which is how long most people serve) and officially make the Base dues $10 (the current Bylaws say $15). The change will be voted on at the January meeting, so be sure to review the changes and come to the meeting.
Kaps 4 Kids - John Roberts gave a short presentation on the Kaps 4 Kids program and Seattle Base's involvement. John has organized a trip to Seattle Children's Hospital in December. If everything goes well, we are hoping to have more visits with children next year. If you are interested in joining in the effort, contact John Roberts at the next meeting.
Seattle Base Elections - Base elections are coming up in January. Our base needs men like you to stand for the necessary positions to keep the base running, and we want to invite you to throw your name in the ring for one of the Base Officer positions. Even if you aren’t ready to be a Base Officer, you can still help out as one of the committee chairs or appointed officers for the base. Committee chairs and appointed officers are really needed to handle the necessary base functions that make our base valuable to us all. Please consider stepping up for an officer or committee position.
Dick Gonzales has been nominated for the Base Commander position, but we still need people for the Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, and Storekeeper positions.
Membership Dues - If you are on the annual membership plan, it is time to look at paying your dues. Please contact Jim Harper to pay your dues or if you have questions.
Meeting Time Changes - Our meeting attendance often drops during the winter months. An idea was brought up to think about shifting the weekday and times for winter meetings to a weekend afternoon. No decision has been made, but it is something for the base members to think about. If you would like to see a change in the meeting days or time, please contact a Base officer or one of the past Base Commanders.
November Program:
Don starting out his presentation |
Good of the Order:
Lois Mezek let us know about a special invitation she received to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. Lois talked about her trip, all the memorials she was able to see, and the wonderful people she met. The trip was very unique and we thank Lois for sharing her experience with us.
Base Storekeeper Bill Giese let us know that we are sold out of the 2014 calendars.
Remember there is no meeting in December, but don't forget the Holiday Luncheon. The next meeting is January 15, 2014!