Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 2014 Meeting Notes

The September meeting had a full agenda with lots to cover. We started off the September meeting with Tolling the Boats lost in September, followed by birthday wishes for our members, officer reports, and introductions.

Old and New Business
Seattle Base Tolling the Boats Ceremony – The Tolling the Boats ceremony and picnic was a big success. We want to thank everyone that helped make out. Special thanks go out to John Roberts for organizing the event and Lois Mezek for working with the special guests. Lois also read letters from the guests thanking us for their inclusion in the ceremony.

Cabela's Weekend – Doug Abramson told us about another good weekend at Cabela's Tulalip store. He also passed along Cabela's thanks for our efforts.

2014 Holiday Luncheon – This year's Holiday Luncheon is set for December 20 at the Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club. The club recently finished renovating its kitchen, so we are looking forward to a good lunch there. Details on the menu, prices, and time will be available soon.

National Awards – Seattle Base and a number of base members were earned USSVI National Awards this year and we were able to distribute them during the September meeting. First up, Seattle Base earned the Golden Anchor Award for large bases (bases with 100 or more members). 
Seattle Base Commander Dick Gonzales accepts the award on behalf of Seattle Base
This award is presented to one Base in each class that best demonstrated a leading role in developing and promoting creative membership renewals, and has developed successful recruiting tools, programs and ideas. Winning this award allows Seattle Base members to wear the Golden Anchor Award patch. Patches can be purchased from the Base Storekeeper for $4.

Next, Pat Householder was presented with an individual Meritorious Award. This award is presented to a Member or Base that exemplifies the Motto, “Pride Runs Deep “, who, by the efforts and involvement of an individual Base Member, or if a Base Award, by a group of Members within a base, promote a positive image of the US Navy Submarine Force and/or the US Submarine Veterans through participation in local Veteran affairs, parades, school activities, and presentations to Civic, legislative, Veterans, patriotic, and other local area organizations.
Pat Householder accepts his Meritorious Award
Next, Don Ulmer was presented with a Robert Link National Commander's Award. This award is the USSVI version of a “Letter of Commendation” from the National Commander.
Don Ulmer accepts his Robert Link Award
Finally, Dave Schueler was presented with the Newsletter of the Year, First Runner Up Award.
Dave Schueler accepts the Newsletter Award
Good of the Order:
Annual Dues are coming soon - Annual members are reminded that annual dues are coming up at the end of the year. In addition to paying annually, there other options. Be sure to talk with Pat Householder or Jim Harper about what would work best for you.

Earl Greening let us know that he participated in a recent Salmon for Soldiers event, where he took several wounded soldiers out for salmon fishing. He said he had a great time with this worthy event and recommended the program to anyone that has a boat.

Robert Shay, from VFW Post #2995, provided us with information about a project to restore a memorial to the Bellevue soldiers that died during World War I. Seattle Base will be donating $150 to the effort. If you would like to donate or get more information about project, contact Robert at 206-478-0505.

Lois Mezek, with help from several base members, provided a short explanation on POW-MIA Recognition Day, which is always the third Friday of September.
The Empty Setting to remember POWs and MIAs
September Program:
This month's program, by base member Dave Schueler, was on the Imperial Japanese Navy's submarine force during World War 2.
Dave Schueler taking questions at the end of the program
The program gave a brief history of the Japanese submarine force from its start in 1905 to the beginning of World War 2. Then covered Japanese strategy, the submarines available at the start of the war, followed by Japanese submarine operations during World War 2, and information on what the Japanese could have done differently. After the presentation, Dave answered questions and provided some more background about the Japanese forces. It was an enjoyable program that provided some good information about a little known aspect of World War 2.

Monday, September 15, 2014

2014 USSVI Award Winners and Election Results

Here are the results of the 2014 USSVI National Election and Awards. It is a long list and we want to congratulate all the winners.

First up are the 2014 USSVI Award Winners.
Joe Negri Award : Dennis P. Gilbert Redfish Base

District Commander of the Year: James Irwin Albany Saratoga Base

Robert Link National Commander’s Award: (recipients are listed alphabetically)
Edwin F. ‘ Bud ‘ Atkins Groton Base
O. Gordon Banks Tarheel Base
John C. Barr Razorback Base
Donald D. Bassler Bremerton Base
Daryl E. Brock Bonefish Base
Orem A. ‘ Soupy ‘ Campbell Nautilus Base
Joseph H. Clark Nathanael Greene Base
Tomas M. Conlon New Jersey North Base
Daniel K. Craw Tang Base
James R. Denzien Perch Base
Amos Goldsberry Cuttlefish Base
Kenneth C. Henry San Diego Base
Norm Hosking Cuttlefish Base
Gilbert F. Houston Cuttlefish Base
Gene E. Kellar Rocky Mountain Base
Charles T. Key Tang Base
Charles J. Mueller Rhode Island Base
Michael M. Munhall Groton Base
Richard N. Nelson Cowtown Base
Richard M. “Ozzie” Osentoski P. C Stryker Jr Base
John F. Rupertus Carolina Piedmont Base
Thomas M. Russell Groton Base
Robert E. Saenz Hampton Roads Base
John S. Starbird, Jr. Maine Base
Kenneth L. Tupman USS Chicago Base
Donald M. Ulmer Seattle Base
Raymond M. Ward Cuttlefish Base
Richard J. Williamson Chesapeake Base

Meritorious Award (Individual)
Charles J. Mueller Rhode Island Base
 Patrick F. Householder Seattle Base
Leonard D. Stefanelli Mare Island Base

Meritorious Award (Base)
USS Chicago Base
Carolina Piedmont Base
Albany-Saratoga Base

Golden Anchor Award
Class One - Seattle Base
Class Two - Central Texas Base
Class Three - South Florida Base
Class Four - USS Asheville Base

Silver Anchor Award
Frederick Weilminster Razorback Base
Alan D. Cole Mare Island Base
Thomas S. Beach USS Asheville Base

Ben Bastura Award
Leonard L. Hill Iowa Base

Newsletter Awards 
Class I Charleston Base -- Torpedo Alley
Class II Carolina Piedmont Base -- Piedmont Periscope
Class III Coastal Carolina Base -- The Below Decks Watch
Class IV Polaris Base -- Polaris Fire

Overall Winner -- Carolina Piedmont Base – Piedmont Periscope

Here are the election results for 2014 from USSVI Elections Master Tom Conlon. We had 2174 members vote in this year’s election (a 17% turnout).

National Officers 
National Commander: 
Al Singleman 1188 Votes 55%
Wayne Standerfer 941 Votes 43%
Elected: Al Singleman

National Senior Vice-Commander (Unopposed)
John Markiewicz 2045 Votes 94%
Elected: John Markiewicz

National Junior Vice-Commander (Unopposed)
William Andrea 2055 Votes 95%
Elected: Wiliam Andrea

National Treasurer
Paul Hiser 1095 Votes 50%
Byron Stratton 973 Votes 45%
Elected: Paul Hiser

National Secretary
Harold Kenneth Recoy 958 Votes 44%
Raymond Paul Wewers 1104 Votes 51%
Elected: Raymond Paul Wewers

Regional Directors
Northeast Region Director (Unopposed)
Michael Naughton 427 Votes 97%
Elected: Michael Naughton

Southeast Regional Director
Diederick (Dick) E. Kanning 336 Votes 61%
Brian Steffen 210 Votes 38%
Elected: Diederick (Dick) Kanning

Central Region Director
David L. Farran 311 Votes 52%
James A. Fox 276 Votes 47%
Elected: David L. Farran

Western Region Director (Unopposed)
Robert J. Bissonnett 432 Votes 98%
Elected: Robert J. Bissonnett Proposed

PA 2014-1: Amends USSVI Constitution Article XII, Section 1 (Conventions). Requires two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast to pass (greater than 66%).
YES 1486 Votes 68%
NO 688 Votes 32%
The Proposed Amendment is adopted

PA 2014-2: Amends USSVI Constitution Article XI, Section 1 and USSVI Bylaws, Article V, Sections 2 and 5 (Prerequisites and Duties for National Senior Vice-Commander and National Treasurer). Requires two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast to pass (greater than 66%).
YES 1860 Votes 86%
NO 314 Votes 14%
The Proposed Amendment is adopted

PA 2014-3: Amends USSVI bylaws Article V, Section 3 (Duties of National Junior Vice-Commander). Requires a simple majority of votes cast to pass.
YES 1957 Votes 90%
NO 217 Votes 10%
The Proposed Amendment is adopted

PA 2014-4: Amends USSVI Bylaws Article VI, Section 18 (Disciplinary Committee). Requires a simple majority of votes cast to pass.
YES 1951 Votes 90%
NO 223 Votes 10%
The Proposed Amendment is adopted

PA 2014-5: Amends USSVI Bylaws Article XVI (Policies and Procedures Manual). Requires a simple majority of votes cast to pass.
YES 1712 Votes 79%
NO 462 Votes 21%
The Proposed Amendment is adopted

PA 2014-9: Clarify Process for New Business at National General Business Meeting. Requires a simple majority of votes cast to pass.
YES 1959 Votes 90%
NO 215 Votes 10%
The Proposed Amendment is adopted

Please join me in congratulating our new National Officers. We wish them a successful tenure in their new offices.

I want to thank National Commander Michael Bircumshaw for appointing me as USSVI Election Master. I also want to thank NE District 2 Commander/NJ North Base Commander Les Altschuler for his invaluable assistance in tallying the vote. Thanks, too, to Les’s wife Joyce Altschuler for her hospitality and “patience” while Les and I were “camped out” in his computer space and at their summer campground.

Tom Conlon, PNC
USSVI Elections Master

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 2014 Meeting Reminder


The next Seattle Base meeting is this coming Wednesday, September 17. We will meet at VFW Post #2995 (4330 148th Ave N.E., Redmond WA 98052). Social hour starts at 6 PM with business meeting at 7PM.

The meeting has a full agenda of items to cover and we hope you will attend, as it will be eventful.

Some of the items on the agenda include: updates on the Christmas Lunch at the Meydenbauer Yacht Club, several speakers offering items of interest, the USSVI Convention, and National Awards recognizing some of our own base members.
Our main speaker will be Dave Schueler with a presentation on the Japanese Submarine Force during WWII. Dave has a special talent for offering great material and superb graphics.

We look forward to a great meeting.

Dick Gonzalez
USSVI Seattle Base Commander

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September - October Dolphin Brotherhood Posted

The September – October issue of the Dolphin Brotherhood has been posted to the Seattle Base website.
Memorial wreath from the Seattle Base Tolling ceremony at the Submarine Veterans plaque in Tahoma National Cemetery. Photo by Lois Mezek
This issue has photos from the Seattle Base’s summer events (Smokey Point, Kirkland parade, and Tolling ceremony) a nice article from Ric Hedman of, along with the usual base news and other submarine related articles.

Hardcopies of the newsletter are in the mail. I hope you all enjoy it.

As always, don't forget to check back here on the blog for base updates and other articles of interest. You can find old issues of the newsletter at: Dolphin Brotherhood Archives, which is also a link on the right side of the blog.

Dave Schueler
Seattle Base Newsletter Editor