Old and New Business
20 Year USSVI Member Recognition – Base Commander Ric handed out USSVI longevity pins to our 20 year members Bill G, Jim H, and Rich L.
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Base Commander Ric handing out longevity pins |
Independence Day Parade – We had a good time at the parade and enjoyed seeing Ralph honored as the Grand Marshal. Thanks to everyone that showed up.
Smokey Point – Thanks to everyone that helped with the Smokey Point event. We did not have as many visitors as previous years (Steve thought we only had about half the normal numbers come by), so donations were also down. However, we did net around $380 for the treasury. Event though this was a down year, we are planning on getting into the lottery for a slot next year.
Kaps 4 Kids – Kerry is putting together a plan for a group to go to Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital. Kerry is submitting three possible days for the trip – August 7, August 22, and August 27. The hospital will let us know which day fits their schedule. If you are interested in being part of the group, contact Kerry or any of the Seattle Base officers.
VFW BBQ and Open House Reminder – VFW Post 2995 has invited us to attend their upcoming Open House and BBQ on August 17.
Black Diamond Labor Day Parade – The Black Diamond Labor Day parade is Monday September 2. We are hoping to have the float and some Seattle Base members at the parade. It is a good small-town event.
Other potential events – We are checking on times when we can go back to Cabela’s and looking at times for a base picnic. If you have comments on either of these ideas or suggestions for other events, please contact any of the Seattle Base officers.
We had planned to show a recording of an interview Ervin Schmidt, but the sound system would not cooperate.
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Ric talking about his interview with Ervin |
Steve also stepped up and gave a description of the Razorback reunion and celebration of the75th anniversary of the commissioning of the sub.
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Photo from the anniversary celebration |
Good of the Order and Binnacle List
As noted in the meeting reminder post, Don and Carol U are both on the binnacle list. In late-June, Don fell and hurt his hip and while he was recovering Carol injured her back. Both are doing better.
We want to remind everyone that there is no monthly meeting in August, due to the Tolling the Boats ceremony.
We are looking for a dry, temperature-controlled winter storage space for the flags and banners from our float. The space needs to be large enough to unfurl the flags and banners to keep them dry – probably 6 feet x 6 feet minimum. If you have a space or ideas, please contact any of the Seattle Base officers.
We were reminded about the Hero’s CafĂ© meeting in Lynnwood. It happens on the 4th Tuesday of every month. The next one is July 23 from 9 AM – 1 PM at the Verdant Community Wellness Center on 196th Street SW.
Seattle Base received 3 submarine pictures to use to raise funds for the Base. We are asking members for a donation of $40 - $60 for each picture. See last month’s blog post for photos and descriptions. If you are interested in one or more of the pictures, speak with Base Commander Ric.