Sunday, October 24, 2010

Helping Veterans with PTSD

Barry with his dog Katzu

At the October meeting, base member and dog lover Barry Morgan brought to our attention the "Host a Retreat for Veterans with PTSD and their Service Dogs" program that is trying to earn a grant through the Pepsi Refresh Project.

The program is run by the Psychiatric Service Dog Society which helps persons living with mental illnesses to partner with a highly trained Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) in order to manage symptoms. Much of their work is focused on military veterans who live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A PSD makes all the difference.

The grants are awarded monthly and voting is done online through the Pepsi Refresh Project website. To find out more about the Psychiatric Service Dog Society, the retreat project, and to vote for them, go to the Pepsi Refresh Project website (if the link doesn't work try going to:

Please take a moment to go to the website to review the program and if you feel it is a worthwhile project, please vote for it to get a grant. 

Note: You will need to sign up on the Pepsi Refresh Project website or have a Facebook account to vote.


  1. Thanks for the post and thank you for the support!

    Unfortunately this project came in at #120 which ended our chances for that month. It may be a couple months before we can get back into the competition to put together the retreat, if ever.

    Again thank you for the support!

    Barry & Katsu

  2. Barry,

    Be sure to let me know when the group submits for the grant again and I'll get a new link up on the blog.

