Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog Additions and Changes

I've made a couple additions and changes to the Blog format.

First off, on the right side of the blog, under the base logo, I've added a list of other blogs readers of this blog might enjoy. The blogs are shown in the order of most recent posts, so you'll always be able to tell when there is a new post. Here is a short overview of the blogs in the list:

Commander Submarine Forces Blog: The official blog for the Vice Admiral John M. Richardson Commander, Submarine Forces.

USSVI Blog: The USSVI National Commander’s blog. You can use this blog to “Ask the National Commander” questions and find out more information about conventions and membership.

The Alligator Blog: by Jim Christley. This blog tracks the history of the United States Navy’s first submarine that was variously called the “Submarine Propeller”, the “Alligator”, and the “USS Alligator”. It was 150 years ago during the Civil War (called the “War of Northern Aggression” in some quarters) that the Navy contracted for, had built, tested and sent into battle this diminutive vessel. Its more successful cousin the “CSS H. L. Hunley” which followed a year later has overshadowed it.

The Stupid Shall Be Punished: by Joel Kennedy. This blog is meant to keep the blogosphere posted on the goings on of the world of submarines and mocking and belittling general foolishness wherever it may be found.

The Naval History Blog: a cooperative effort by the U.S. Naval Institute and Navy History and Heritage Command with posts that honor our naval heritage, explore its unresolved debates, uncover new information, and respectfully stimulate an honest, thoughtful discussion.

I have also added a link so that you can follow the Seattle Base Blog by e-mail. It is located on the right side at the top of the darker blue box (just scroll down the screen to find the box). Just type your e-mail address into the box, click Submit and confirm your e-mail address. The system will send you an e-mail to confirm your address. Just click the link in the e-mail to activate e-mail notification from the blog.

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any comments about the blog or want to pass along information to post here.

Dave Schueler
Seattle USSVI Base Newsletter Editor

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