On Saturday, December 5th submarine veterans, family, and guests gathered at the Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club in Bellevue for the annual USSVI Seattle Base holiday luncheon. While the weather was dark and rainy, the club was warm and inviting.
The day started with the social hour, which gave us a chance to talk with shipmates we have not seen for a while, share our exploits from the past year, and to look at some of the submarine memorabilia on display. We then moved to the dining room for opening remarks, the annual toast (provided by Don Ulmer), and lunch.
After lunch it was time for awards. First up, Senior Vice Commander John Roberts presented the Shipmate of the Year Awards to Diane Giese and Lynda Shelton. We want to thank Diane and Lynda for all the hard work they’ve done for Seattle Base and congratulate them on the well-deserved awards.
Next was the presentation of a special award for Pat Householder. The award, which included patches from all of Pat’s boats, a special certificate, and written thanks from Seattle Base members, was for all the work Pat has done for USSVI and Seattle Base.
With the awards presented, the floor was then opened for sea stories and holiday remembrances. The microphone was passed around and we heard some old favorite stories, along with a few new tales.
We all had a good time at the event and a special thanks goes out to everyone who helped out with the luncheon.
It is always good to see all of our shipmates and enjoy the holiday season with them. We didn't get photos of everyone at the event (some of you ducked out early or just avoided the camera), but I hope you enjoy the photos we did get.
Looking over the memorabilia table |
Don Ulmer provides the kick-off toast |
Here are a few photos around the dining room during lunch.
Chef Bob stops off to talk with club members Jay and Miri Davis |
After lunch, it was time for the awards
John Roberts presenting the Shipmate of the Year awards |
Shipmate of the Year winners Diane Giese and Lynda Shelton |
Unveiling the award for Pat Householder |
Pat Householder and Dick Gonzales with Pat's special recognition award |
Finally, photos of the attendees (we are sorry if we missed getting your photo).
Miri and Jay Davis |
Fran and Dick Gonzales |
Larry Abbott and Lynn Schueler |
Sue and Jerry Gerten |
Bill and Diane Giese |
Andrea Giesler |
Av and Schell Harmon |
Jim and Marilyn Harper |
Bob and Dani Haslan |
Doug Gilman |
Ric Hedman |
Pat Householder and Carolyn Davis |
Barbara and Karl 'Dutch' Krompholz |
Ron and Carol Muecke |
Thea Benjamin and Bob Opple |
Kingsly Parker |
Karl and Linda Peterson |
Kerry Ryan and Nancy Mitchell |
Lynn and Dave Schueler |
Ralph Sterley and Lois Twelves |
Steve and Lynda Shelton |
Bill and Judy Thompson |
Carol and Don Ulmer |
Keith and Judy Watson |
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